Health and Nutrition
PRDO does awareness on hygiene, sanitation, and prevention strategies to ward off illnesses that can easily be prevented.
Health and Nutrition
PRDO does awareness on hygiene, sanitation, and prevention strategies to ward off illnesses that can easily be prevented.

Fighting poverty and eradicating extreme hunger are some of the Millennium Development Goals for which KADO is engaged in.
Fighting poverty and eradicating extreme hunger are some of the Millennium Development Goals for which KADO is engaged in.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Water should be safe for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. PRDO ensures that existing water sources are protected.
Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Water should be safe for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. PRDO ensures that existing water sources are protected.

Protection and Gender Empowerment
PRDO enhances women in leadership, eliminates all forms of discrimination, protection from child abuse and exploitative labor.
Protection and Gender Empowerment
PRDO enhances women in leadership, eliminates all forms of discrimination, protection from child abuse and exploitative labor.
Health and Nutrition
PRDO does awareness on hygiene, sanitation, and prevention strategies to ward off illnesses that can easily be prevented.
Fighting poverty and eradicating extreme hunger are some of the Millennium Development Goals for which KADO is engaged in.
Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Water should be safe for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. PRDO ensures that existing water sources are protected.
Protection and Gender Empowerment
PRDO enhances women in leadership, eliminates all forms of discrimination, protection from child abuse and exploitative labor.

Peace Building and Reconciliation
Involving the local community in peacebuilding, conflict mitigation, reconciliation, and inter-community dialogue.

Elderly Support
A program for helping the elderly in the village through the support of donations and sponsorships from well-wishers.

Savings Culture
KADO will work hard to promote a savings and credit culture in order to improve the welfare of its members and the community.